Impruneta clay has been used for centuries to create fashionable, functional pottery for everything from dining to decorating and growing plants. If you’ve seen the beautiful pots that many people use in their garden to house delicate flowering plants, you’ve probably already seen this type of clay at work.
However, Impruneta offers buyers more than just beauty. This durable, high-quality clay has been the top choice of all types of homeowner and gardener for much of recorded history. Here’s why:

An antique Italian terracotta pot that has accumulated plant growth on its exterior. This aesthetic of aged terracotta is one that many people consider distinguished and desirable.
Three newer large terracotta vases. This is how terracotta pots look when they’re brand new. This aesthetic can be maintained simply by regularly cleaning the pot (see below for details).
All-Weather Lasting Power
Many people mistakenly believe that they live in the wrong climate or area to own terra cotta or other types of indoor-outdoor pottery items. The problem isn’t where they live, though, but what they’re buying.
Inferior Galestro clay is far less durable over time than Impruneta clay. Making mistakes with the formation and firing of pottery with Galestro clay is very unforgiving, and even changes in the weather or environment the pot is stored in can cause the pieces to fall apart, flake, and crack. No matter how beautiful the pottery may have been at first purchase, there’s nothing like a giant crack to ruin the look of your home or garden.
Choosing Impruneta clay pottery doesn’t just make sense aesthetically. Frost and freeze resistant, the pots can be kept outdoors during almost any weather and look just as lovely when the weather warms again. What’s more, they withstand the test of time far better than Galestro items, resisting flaking and peeling at a far better rate.
Inspired by Artisans
Inspired by Artisans
The first pottery that bore the Impruneta name was made in a specific region of Italy. There, artists created some of the techniques still used by artisans today, and with it crafted some of the world’s most beautiful pottery. Today, modern pottery that bears the Impruneta stamp may not always be crafted in this region, but the tools and techniques are inspired by those same artists and maintain the integrity of those pieces. For hand-crafted items that look like they belong in museums but work like they were sold at a hardware store, look for the Impruneta stamp.
If you’re looking for beautiful, durable Impruneta clay pots and other items, contact the experts at Tuscan Imports. Our wide selection and extensive knowledge will guide you in choosing the right pieces for your property, whether indoor or out. Rest assured, with proper investment and care, your pottery will still look great when you pass it down to future generations.