The province of Siena is dotted with countless workshops because of its abundance of quality clay. Although not as high in iron as clay from Impruneta, clay from Siena is known throughout the world as quality terra cotta, able to withstand temperatures to 10° Fahrenheit. A more refined clay, it is smoother in texture and great for Southern climates, indoor use, or in Northern climates if sheltered during times when temperatures drop below 10°.The art of applying an antiqued finish to Siena clay is accomplished by only a few Italian workshops. While having the same qualities as traditional Siena clay, the Antiqued Siena collection gives the impression of being centuries old. Frost-proof to 10° Fahrenheit, this collection is perfect for Southern climates, indoor use, or in Northern climates if sheltered during colder months.
The Antiqued Sienna Collection
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